How to Play Violin

Monday, February 28, 2011, violin is bowed string instrument with four strings tuned in perfect fifths. This is the basis for the orchestra, has a large amount of repertoire written for it, and is one of the most profitable instruments and beautiful to play, when mastered. However, learning to play the violin is a long road, and you must make sure that you are ready to discipline, a difficult technique, and ready to make the practice times each day.
Although you can play the violin with a plucked string, it is necessary for most music to be able to use a bow. It can be difficult at first, and somewhat awkward, but after some practice you should be able to learn and make music with violin and bow.

1. Tighten the bow by turning the screw clockwise end. It should not be so tight that the hair parallel to the wood, but also not so loose that you can not put pressure on it. So you should be able to adjust the pencil in the middle of the bow between the wood and hair. Do not use your little finger as a measure as the oils from your skin will damage the hair in the bow. When you've finished playing, do not forget to loosen the bow again.

2. Rosin the bow. If this is a new bow, rosin has a shop or your teacher to you. Then update the rosin every few days or more, depending on how often you practice. First, tighten the bow as usual. Second, sliding resin fully and completely dropped the bow hair three or four times. It's easy to over-rosin the bow. Too much rosin causes hoarse voice. If you use a bow for the first time, and there is not enough resin on it, would not string enough grip to make them vibrate and you will not get out the violin sound.

3. Holds true arc gently put your finger on the handle. Be sure to have your fingertips on the handle. For assistance, tennis ball should fit between your palms space and bows. Other fingers are placed at equal distances from one another on the same edge, while pink is placed on top of the arc, and curled a little. Your ring finger should cover a circle of pearls on the side of the bow. Your thumb should rest on the bottom of the stick. The place was in front of the frog with bow hair underneath. Bend your thumb's first joint at an angle oblique; straighten the thumb will result in poor tone when playing. It's important to not grip the bow too tightly, because then you will not be able to bend effectively. Your hands should be relaxed and loose, and while it can be difficult at first, because you do not want to put the bow, it just takes practice.

4. Rest the violin on your collarbone, is fully supported with your hand and detained by your jaw. your jaw, just below the ear leaf (not your chin), it should rest on the chin rest. A heavy head very slightly and relaxed will prevent the instrument from sliding of your shoulder while your arm is really supportive of heavy instruments. You should stand upright and the end of the violin, scroll, should designate immediately when you go on like this, NOT to the ground. scroll can be pointed at an angle slightly toward the ceiling, but only slightly. When holding the instrument, place your left hand at the base of the neck of a violin. The top of your thumb should be visible, and the fingers should curl up and relax as in the photo. Basis of thumb you should not touch the neck of the violin, and do not need your wrist. Your left arm should also be located on the right side of the violin neck. Hold your left arm with elbow pointing far to the left is a sure way to make your flat intonation.

5. Place the bow about half way between the bridge and fingerboard. Tilt slightly bent towards the wheel to produce a loud enough voice, and when you get a more professional technique is used. Pull the bow along the strings are straight as you can, parallel to the bridge and applying a large amount of pressure. a more equal pressure in a loud voice, but too much pressure to make itching. Your wrist should be relaxed.
6. Practice play an open string. This means do not press the strings with the fingers of your left hand. Only the violin neck rest in the space between your thumb and left index finger. Try a full stroke at first. Then do the stroke half of the frog (below) to the middle and back again. Try to make the transition as smooth as possible at the point of return. Practice changing from playing one string to another play. Keep practicing until only one string being played at a time without touching another string.

7. Practice playing scales. scale is where you begin by playing a note on the lower strings. In the C major scale, you play the third finger on the lowest strings: .. C. as the first note. You then play the string open: D, first finger E, second finger LOW: F, G, Open strings: A, B, and C low second finger on the second highest string. There are many scales: D major, F major, and A large ... to name a few. To play this scale, you have to put each finger down one by one with a bow string. The goal is to play relaxed note each, without a sudden stop. Try to produce a warm sound, and did not make it sound too shaky.
8. Practicing every day. Start with a short time (15 minutes) and it works a little longer each day until they reach at least an hour. If you play the violin as a hobby, it can be less. But if you're serious, it is important to spend a large amount of practice time (2-3 hours). However, this does not mean sitting, holding the violin for two hours! Each exercise session should have a purpose, and practice means improving. Do not just play everything once. Working hard at the object you're working. Remember: "practice does not do".


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