Effect of Music on Human Psychology

Monday, February 28, 2011

Music is an art that depicts human thoughts and feelings through the beauty of sound. As humans use words to transfer a concept, it also uses sound composition to express his inner feelings. As with other kinds of art, music is a reflection of an individual or a community feeling. Music is the result of human creativity and sense of life and his world. In the past, the music also has a very important role in the eyes of primitive society. They believe, music can prevent any future disasters or other adverse events.

The history of the use of sedative music as a medium of human psychology has been initiated since the ancient Greek philosopher, Plato and Aristotle. In Iran and dipelbagai ancient literature about music, the influence of music on human spirit has been discussed in particular. Over many centuries ago, Iranians use music therapy as a method of healing and make it as a factor that could maintain mental health. That problem can be found in the book works Safiyuddin Armavi Behjatul Spirits.

Other evidence indicating the attention of the musicians on the influence of music on human spirit can be seen in the table which is used in traditional Iranian music. In the table, each type of sound and tone mapped in the various classifications. For example, tables that explain what type of musical instrument in accordance with the conditions when the sun rises. Likewise, when during the day, what kind of music suited to be listened to. According to the table, musical instruments Nava, a kind of typical Persian stringed instruments, is a good music device used when dusk.

Music is a variety of art that influence the audience without the intermediary concept or interpretation. Through the magic effects, music can relieve human beings from bondage distress, loneliness, panic, and various other mental disorders. Therefore, now widespread in many countries established various research centers and the practice of music therapy.

Music, according to the arrangement of intervals and rhythm have a specific reflection that can stimulate nerve cells so that human feelings can be weakened, strengthened or diverted. The effect was even scientifically proven in all phases of human life, ranging from the time the embryo until the dusk. It could even influence also on other kinds of living things like plants. Not only that, the music proved to affect the sensory-motor nervous system, nervous system conscious, and other nerve cells.
Results of research conducted Applications Music Institute in Iran regarding the function of applied music toward physical and mental health of humans suggest that music therapy could be a new healing methods in mental disorders among mentally handicapped children. The study proves, music therapy can improve self-confidence and control the action hyperaktif among mentally handicapped children and can create mental and behavioral changes are significant.

Dr. Zadeh Ali Muhammadi, a clinical psychologist who has nearly 20 years doing research and practice of music therapy. According to him, other types of music, musical instruments also have an important role. For starters, you should use this type of rhythmic music instruments such as the types of musical instruments at. Dr. Ali Zadeh believes, mentally disabled children could not be taught with tools such complex music guitar. But should the instrument simple and easy to play as well as fast in a relationship. He added that music among blind people have a very magical effect, particularly on their hearing power, so much positive effect on quality of life for. Flute is an important instrument in music therapy. Typically, the therapist share music themes into five types, namely themed trance music, melow, spirit, cheerful, and relaxation.

♫ Music themed trance is the kind of music that contain an expression of cheerful incredible. Such music types are suitable for curing people suffering from mental pressure or stress.

♫ music is rhythmic and melancholic melow is a type of music that wrenching feeling. Such music can reduce the intake of chemical composition in the brain. Melancholy theme music in normal conditions can reduce aches and pains. Meanwhile, if heard at the time sadly, could make it easier for someone to contain his grief. However, the use of music-themed like that could reduce the excessive zeal and hatred.

♫ Music themed spirit is a type of music that can evoke strong reactions and fast which is accompanied by physiological responses. The composer uses similar themes to enhance body movement. This type of music is very popular among the young. If used properly, this kind of music can have a positive impact and improve morale.

♫ music is upbeat tone with a touch of the soothing rhythm. Music like this can increase the passion for life and bring positive feelings, so they can increase their power. This type of music is also very useful to evoke the spirit and excitement among the children or adolescents.

♫ Music relaxation. This music is nuanced soft, monotonous and flat. Tenderness music that could soothe feelings and human emotions. This type of music used to improve concentration and emotional balance.
Indeed there are many ways to create inner peace. Some people try to get it by listening to music, there is by reading books, doing natural attractions, or even just eating and sleeping. Clearly, science has proven that some types of music can help the human soul became more calm and balanced. Some types of music can even remove the stress and stress.

The existence of the positive influence of music on human physical and psychological, making music is used as a medium of healing. Of course the use of music must be used proportionally. Not all types of music can be heard in all circumstances and sometimes we just need silence to soothe feelings. Even the sound of birds singing, splashing streams, droplets of rain and the roar of the waves can be beautiful music to soothe feelings of the soul.

Indeed music is not only limited to the sound produced from the instrument or the human voice alone, but the sounds of nature can also be a source of music is very captivating. Therefore, do not ever forget the natural singing voice and hear the beauty of the musical is so natural.


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